Understand about Trigeminal Neuralgia: Is it possible to manage it?

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is a chronic condition characterized by severe pain in the face or jaw. The pain is usually triggered by chewing, yawning, talking, brushing teeth, or even drinking cold liquids.

TN is often described as a "suicide disease" because the pain is so severe that some sufferers have committed suicide.

Trigeminal neuralgia is considered one of the most painful conditions that can afflict humans. It is characterized by sharp, sudden, and severe; Electric shock-like or burning sensations in the trigeminal nerve distribution in the face. The pain is usually worse with light touch, shaving, make-up application, eating, or brushing teeth. The assaults of pain last from a few seconds to as long as two minutes. 

TN affects almost 2 million people. While some patients experience relief from medication, others require surgical intervention. Unfortunately, surgery has its risks and side effects.


There are several ways to treat TN. Some patients benefit from medications, while others prefer noninvasive treatments such as acupuncture, massage therapy, or electrical stimulation.

Causes of trigeminal neuralgia
How trigeminal neuralgia is caused?

The cause of TN is unknown. However, some factors have been identified that increase the risk of developing TN. 

These include:

  • A history of trauma to the head or neck
  • Certain medical conditions, including diabetes mellitus
  • Certain medications, including anti-seizure drugs
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Alcohol use
  • Stress
  • Poor nutrition
  • Infection
  • Other causes of facial pain

Remedies to follow if you have facial nerve pain

1. Facial Nerve Pain Relief

Facial nerve pain relief comes from using botanicals that have been shown to help relieve symptoms associated with facial nerve disorders. These botanicals include Arnica Montana, St. John's Wort, and Skullcap.

 2. Botanical Remedies for Facial Nerve Pain

Botanical remedies for facial nerve pain may include herbs such as Arnica Montana, St John's wort, and skullcap. These herbs have been shown to help reduce inflammation and swelling associated with facial nerve disorders, and may provide some relief.

 3. Homeopathic Remedies for Facial Nerve Pain

Homeopathic remedies for facial nerve pain include Belladonna, Cinchona, and Rhus Tox. These homeopathic remedies may help reduce inflammation and swelling, and may provide some temporary relief.

Exercises to relieve trigeminal neuralgia

1. Massage

Massaging the face and head is a great way to relax the muscles and release tension. You can use any type of massage oil, lotion, cream, or balm. Make sure to apply pressure evenly across the entire area.

 2. Hot Compress

A hot compress is a simple yet effective method of relieving pain. Simply soak a washcloth in warm water and place it over the painful area. Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes at least once per day.

 3. Ice Pack

Ice packs are a quick and effective way to reduce swelling and inflammation. Place ice cubes in a plastic bag and tie off the top. Apply to the affected area and leave on for 10-15 minutes at least twice per day.

 4. Heat Therapy

Heat therapy can help ease discomfort caused by nerve damage. A heating pad placed directly on the skin can be helpful. Alternatively, you may wrap a towel around your neck and hold it in place with a belt. Do not leave the towel on for longer than 30 minutes at a time.

 5. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice that involves inserting fine needles into specific points along the body to balance the flow of qi (energy). Research shows acupuncture can be effective in treating chronic pain.

 6. Meditation

Meditation helps calm the mind and relax the body. Try sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing. If you find yourself getting distracted, simply return your focus back to your breath.

 7. Yoga

Yoga is a series of exercises designed to strengthen and stretch the body. It can help improve posture, increase flexibility, and decrease muscle spasms.

Medication, helps most patients. TN symptoms can disappear on their own for months at a time, especially in the early stages. However, TN tends to become more persistent over time. Many patients require surgical treatment for trigeminal neuralgia to relieve their pain.

What makes trigeminal neuralgia flare up?

There is no one definitive answer to this question, as conditions can vary from person to person. However, some possible triggers for trigeminal neuralgia include stress, weather changes, teeth grinding, and eating certain foods.

An enlarged blood vessel presses against your trigeminal nerve, which causes trigeminal neuralgia. There are rare causes such as multiple sclerosis or tumors. Women are more likely than men to suffer from this nerve condition, which is more common in people over 50.

 If you suffer from trigeminal neuralgia, it is important to keep track of your own personal triggers with a pain management doctor in Coimbatore so that you can avoid them as much as possible.

Exercises to relieve trigeminal neuralgia

Reasons trigeminal neuralgia is more painful

1. Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is characterized by sudden, severe pain in the face and jaw. It is often described as stabbing, electric, shock-like, or burning sensations. TN is caused by irritation of the trigeminal nerve, which runs from the brainstem down the side of the head and into the face. The trigeminal nerve is responsible for feeling touch, temperature, pressure, and pain. When the nerve is irritated, it sends signals to the brain, causing the sensation of pain.

2. The trigeminal ganglion is located at the base of the skull near the top of the spinal cord. It contains sensory neurons that send information about touch, temperature, pressure, and pain to the brain. The trigeminal nucleus caudalis is where many of these neurons remain.

3. There are two types of trigeminal neuralgias. Type 1 is known as idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia, meaning no cause is known. In type 2, the cause is known and may be due to trauma, tumors, inflammation, vascular disease, or infection.

What is the best way to relieve trigeminal neuralgia instantly?

Trigeminal neuralgia is a disorder which makes people feel pain in the face. This usually lasts for a few seconds and then subsides. In this condition, signals from the trigeminal nerve are interpreted by the brain as intense pain.

People with this pain often find that the only way to relieve it is through trigeminal neuralgia treatment or surgery.

However, there are some natural remedies that can help you to reduce the intensity of your pain and these include:

  • a cold pack or ice pack on the area where you are experiencing pain
  • taking ibuprofen
  • exercising

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