Types of Hemorrhoids - Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins around the anus or rectum. They often cause pain and discomfort during bowel movements. Hemorrhoids are common and usually go away without treatment. But they can also become painful and even bleed. If left untreated, they can worsen over time.

The word hemorrhoid comes from the Greek words haima (blood) and rhoia (flow). This refers to the blood vessels that swell and protrude into the anal canal.

There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. 

Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the anal canal and are found near the opening of the colon.

External hemorrhoids occur outside the anal canal and are located above the sphincter muscle.


Hemorrhoidal disease is a condition where the veins around the anus get inflamed and enlarged. These veins are called hemorrhoids. Most people who suffer from hemorrhoids experience no symptoms at all. But some people develop bleeding, itching, burning, swelling, pain, and irritation.

Types of Hemorrhoids - Hospitalk

Hemorrhoids: what types are there?

1. Internal hemorrhoid

 Internal hemorrhoids are located inside the anal canal. These are often caused by straining while having bowel movements. They may bleed easily if they become irritated. Internal hemorrhoids tend to be less painful than external ones.

 2. External hemorrhoid

 External hemorrhoids are outside the anus and are not connected to the internal hemorrhoids. They are usually caused by straining while defecating. They may bleed easily and cause pain.

 3. Thrombosed Hemorrhoid

 A thrombosed hemorrhoid is a type of hemorrhoid where blood clots have formed around the base of the vein. This causes swelling and inflammation.

 4. Fissured Hemorrhoid

 Fissures are small cracks in the skin that appear after prolonged irritation. Fissured hemorrhoids are caused by chronic irritation.

 5. Varicose Hemorrhoid

 Varicose hemorrhoids are enlarged veins that protrude outwards. They are usually caused due to long-term constipation.

Hemorrhoids Causes and Treatment

Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins in the anal canal. Hemorrhoids are not dangerous unless they become inflamed. If hemorrhoids are left untreated, they may cause pain and bleeding. There are many different types of hemorrhoid treatments.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

 Hemorrhoids occur when blood vessels inside the anus enlarge due to inflammation. These enlarged veins are called piles. Piles are caused by straining while defecating, lifting heavy objects, constipation, pregnancy, and prolonged sitting.

Causes of Hemorrhoids - Hospitalk

Treatment Options for hemorrhoids

There are several ways to treat hemorrhoids. You should consult your plies specialist before choosing any treatment option.

Home Remedies for hemorrhoids

 You can try home remedies to treat hemorrhoids. Here are some tips:

 • Drink plenty of water. Water helps flush out toxins and keep the bowels moving.

 • Eat fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Fiber helps soften stools and prevent constipation.

 • Avoid spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco. Spicy foods, coffee, and cigarettes irritate the rectal area and make symptoms worse.

 • Exercise regularly. Regular exercise reduces pressure on the lower abdomen and helps strengthen muscles around the anus.

 • Take a warm bath. A hot bath relaxes tense muscles and relieves pain.

 • Use stool softeners. Stool softeners help soften stools and relieve discomfort.

 • Try over-the-counter medications. Over-the-counter medications such as suppositories and ointments provide relief without side effects.

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Best way to get rid of hemorrhoids

1. Do not sit down after eating

 This is probably the best thing you can do if you have hemorrhoids. You should always try to stand up straight and avoid sitting down immediately after eating. If you do, you may end up pushing blood back towards your anus and causing further irritation.

 2. Drink plenty of water

 Drinking enough water is really important for keeping your body well-hydrated. When you drink enough water, you’ll feel full faster, and you won’t need to eat as much food. Also, drinking lots of water helps flush out toxins from your system.

 3. Eat fiber-rich foods

 Fiber-rich foods help keep your digestive tract clean and clear. Foods rich in fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes. These foods help prevent constipation and reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

4. Exercise regularly

 Exercise is great for your physical health, but it can also help improve your mental health. Regular exercise keeps your muscles strong and toned, which reduces pressure on your veins and arteries.

 5. Avoid alcohol

 Alcohol causes dehydration, which can lead to constipation and hemorrhoids. Alcohol also dehydrates your skin, making it more likely to bleed.

 6. Use natural remedies

 Natural remedies for hemorrhoids include using over-the-counter medications, such as creams and suppositories. However, these treatments aren't effective for everyone. If they don't work, you might want to consider seeing a doctor about getting hemorrhoid surgery.

 7. Get regular checkups

 It's important to visit your doctor from the best piles hospital in Coimbatore at least once a year to make sure you're staying healthy. Your doctor can perform tests to determine whether you have any underlying medical conditions that could cause hemorrhoids.

Factors that increase the risk of hemorrhoids

1. Age

 The older you get, the higher the chances of developing hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids tend to develop in people who have been constipated for years. Constipation causes pressure on the rectal veins, leading to inflammation and swelling. If left untreated, this can lead to painful hemorrhoids.

 2. Gender

 Women are at greater risk than men of developing hemorrhoids. Women’s bodies produce less collagen, making them more susceptible to hemorrhoid formation.

 3. Genetics

 Heredity plays a role in whether someone develops hemorrhoids. People with a family history of hemorrhoids are more likely to develop them.

 4. Diet

A diet high in fiber and low in fat may help prevent hemorrhoids. Eating foods rich in vitamin C and iron can reduce the severity of symptoms.

 5. Stress

 Stress can cause hemorrhoids to worsen. Chronic stress can increase blood flow to the lower digestive tract, causing swelling and irritation.

 6. Medications

 Some medications can cause hemorrhoids to flare up. These include certain antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and some over-the-counter pain relievers.

 7. Lifestyle

 Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of hemorrhoids. Smoking can irritate the anal area and make it harder to control bowel movements.

Piles are basically a collection of blood clots that accumulate around the anus. These clots are formed due to various reasons, including constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc. These piles may lead to severe complications and even death if left untreated. To remove them, doctors perform surgical procedures known as piles removal surgery.

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